SELL YOUR HOUSE FAST: Any condition- "AS-IS"-Fast Cash Closings -No Hassles. Local & Professional -No Fees -No Commissions 860-589.4663.
Wethersfield for rent 1st floor office, $375.00 all utilities included. Contact Carl Lucas- Conte and Lucas Realtors 860-296-1411.
VACATION HOME Give your family the vacation they deserve!! Rental, Narragansett RI, walking distance to Scarborough beach. June, July & August availability. 4 & 6 bedroom home, Central AC, with deck & gas grill, renting Saturday to Saturday. Contact Debbie 860-833-8930 email narragansettrirentals<@>
CROMWELL GARDENS: Beautiful 3 bedroom 1.5 bath for rent. $2000.00 a month , heat and hot water included. Available March 1 Call 860-754-7988.
27 KREIGER LN, GLASTONBURY: 1300 sqft office. Small storage. Work area. A/C. 860-633-5469 or 860-306-2260.
ROCKY HILL: Prestige Apartments: One Bedroom available for rent. Newly renovated, $1550 per month includes: HHW, fully appliance, w/d same floor, parking, convenient to I-91. Smoke free building. <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5>Call Now: office: 860-529-1725 or text: 860-913-6723.
Newington Duplex 2 bedroom, central ac, gas heat, hardwood floors, full basement, large deck, stainless steel appliances. $1850.00 per month. Call or text 860-466-9767.
ROCKY HILL CENTER: New construction, large apartments, new appliances, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, garage. Heat, hot water, AC not included, coin laundry, $2000. 860-794-1228.
Continuous Classified
basement waterproofing Water problems solved by reliable local contractor using industry proven methods and materials. Hatchway leaks, foundation cracks, sub-floor drainage systems, yard drainage systems. Fully insured. Free estimates. Our 40th year. Registered with CT. Consumer Protection, #511842. Call J.P. Bachand Contracting, 860-666-9737.
painting "finess" Carpentry, Interior & exterior, Benjamin Moore paints, neat &clean professional service. High quality power wash. Wallpapering, carpentry, tile, aluminum siding, sheet rocking. Professional Work. Top quality. Over 40 years of experience. Free estimates. Senior discount. Guaranteed jobs. Lic. #HIC.0663342, insured. Call 860-839-5355, 959-204-5712.
DEE'S ANTIQUES, PAYS $$ CASH MONEY $$: Buying gold jewelry, sterling silver jewelry and gold and silver coins. Military items, musical instruments, vintage advertising signs and memorabilia, old toys, old hunting, and fishing items. Servicing the community and family respectively for 50 years. Call 203-235-8431.
Fence Dog fence, Vinyl, cedar, chain link, repairs. Bollards. For Free estimates call Eric at 860-231-1799. Saddle Hill Landscaping (formally D&D Fence).
J&S masonry, LLC .: Designer patio, Pool patio, Chimney Repair, Sidewalk, Stone Walls, Brick Walls, Retaining Wall Bluestone, Steps, Veneer Stone, Walkways, Cement, Tile, Paving, building maintenance all kinds of masonry home repair. Call John, 860-796-0006.
PLUMBING & home renovation: Licensed #0265213 & insured. Free estimates. No job too small! Residential & commercial. Reasonable rates. Senior citizen discount. Mike, 860-883-5382.
zigas painting & powerwashing LLC: Residential, interior/exterior. Ceilings are our specialty! Senior discount. Licensed/insured. Free estimates. Call 860-681-3762.