
General Classifieds - Page 1 of 4

NEED SOME CASH: For Christ­mas? Sell me your un­wanted jew­elry & other stuff!! 23 years ex­per­i­ence. Honest & re­li­able. Ju­lie Gorneault 203-443-9602.  

AFFORDABLE fall leaf CLEANUP: and dump runs and snowblow­ing. 860-983-3871.  

SECOND CHANCE: We buy neg­lected cars, re­store them and give them new life. Join us in pro­mot­ing sus­tain­ab­il­ity - let your car con­tinue it's jour­ney! No title, no prob­lem. 860-898-1562.  

LOVELY RECLINER: like new, top of the line, great price. Hurry won't last! 860-922-5728  

absolute masonry Stamped Concrete, sidewalks, driveways and additions. Retaining Walls, Stone work. Ex­cav­a­tion, Remodeling. 30+ years experience. Tony 860-543-4464.  

LANDSCAPING JH1 Solutions: Serving Rocky Hill, Cromwell, Wethersfield, Newington. Residential and Commercial. Tree removal and trimming, land clearing, patio and retaining walls, weekly lawn maintenance and Spring and Fall clean ups, Firewood available. Call Jack for quote 860-818-2773.  

WANTED TO BUY: All antiques; toys, military, watches, advertising, jewelry, coins, clocks, signs, all musical instruments, guitars, saxophones, keyboards, trumpets, amplifiers, accordions, vintage electronics, hi-fi stereo, amplifiers, pro-audio, radios, ham equipment, tube type equipment, plus more. 1 item or entire estate. Call 860-707-9350.  

LIVING ROOM SOFA: 80" cream with multicolor stripes, $100. Two wing back chairs, blue with cream flowers, $50 each. Fri­gidaire air con­di­tion­ers, 12,000 and 18,000 BTU, $100 each. All ex­cel­lent. Call or text for pho­tos. 860-301-7319. Port­land.  

ed's lawn care LLC: Fall Cleanups, Mowing, foundation and tree plantings, pruning and removal of shrubs/hedges. Owner does all work. Licensed (#577256) and insured. Free estimates. Call 860-638-7233.  

KAZWAY LLC: New home im­prove­ment com­pany, spe­cial­iz­ing in VCT and Vinyl floor­ing. Call/­text 860-839-6284 or email k_­barszcz<@>ya­hoo.­com. Avail­able in the af­ternoons and week­ends. <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*J><z9.5> <*p( 

FOOD: Are you over-involved with food? Would you like that to be different? Consider attending an OA meeting and find out what is involved. For more information, meeting times and places to call CT OA at 860-840-2475, or look us up at  

R&R HOME IMPROVEMENT Roofing, siding, windows, doors, decks, tile, wood floors, wet basement, trim, sheet rock, master carpenter and snow removal. Licensed & Insured. 33 years experience. All phases of home improvement. 860-914-5110.  

HOSPITAL BED: Com­plete with rails. $100.00 860-214-3135.  

HOUSE CLEANING Need some help to get your home clean? I'd be happy to help. I have 10+ years of ex­per­i­ence, I of­fer re­li­able ser­vice. reas­on­able rates and I do an amaz­ing job. Re­fer­ences upon re­quest. Please call or text for free es­tim­ates. ARIANE' S CLEANING, 860-331-5309.  

R&G IMPROVEMENT & CONSTRUCTION: flooring, tiles, painting, demo, bathrooms installs, electrical, framing, Sheetrock, and much more. 860-609-3300.  

CUSTOM WOODWORKING MANTELS: Re­mod­el­ing-Re­pairs. Cus­tom In­terior & Ex­ter­ior wood­work­ing Furniture re­pairs. Cus­tom kit­chens-Stock­ing Kitchens-Van­ity's-Com­plete Bath­rooms-Decks Wid­ows. Ex­ter­ior In­terior doors. En­ter­tain­ment cen­ters. Tables Built Inns. CT Li­cense & In­sured. Con­necti­cut Fine Wood­work­ing. Crom­well 860-613-0856.  

CABINET REFACING: Not an overpriced box store or franchise. Local company, cabinetmakers specializing in refacing since 1986. All wood products, custom work and counter tops. Deal with the owner. Wood'n Excellence CP#0664648, 860-345-2050.  

TREE WORK tree re­moval, tree trim­ming, tree prun­ing, tree cabling. Fully li­censed and in­sured. LaPila Ar­bor­ists 860-965-5546.  

<*p(0,0,0,10,0,0,g,"U.S. English")><*L><z9.5> if you don't have time to clean your house, call me: I do everything you want for good price. Great job, good experience, good references and insurance. Call Renata, 860-538-7963 or email: ro­niowa<@>g­mail.­com  

TREE SERVICE prun­ing, re­movals, cabling, dis­ease treat­ment and brush clear­ing. Owner on every job. Fully in­sured. Li­censed Ar­bor­ist S-6179. LaPila Ar­bor­ists 860-965-5546.  

LAWN SERVICES: 5" & 6" Gutter In­stall­ation, carpentry, paint­ing, lawn mow­ing, fall clean up, snow plow­ing 860-347-0509.  

ELECTRIC STAN LLC: Of­fer­ing ser­vice changes for meters and pan­els. Best price offered. Li­censed and In­sured. Li­cense #202454E1. 860-716-7903.  

PRINCE OF GUTTER CLEANING: Hand cleaned out then rinsed. Start­ing at $125. In­sured. Josh Lang­don 860-922-4621.  

C.A.M. PAINTING: Free es­tim­ates, in­teri­or/ex­ter­i­or, power wash­ing, sheet rock­ing, CT# HAC6036129 Fully in­sured, reli­able price. cam­paint­ing1974<@>g­mail.­com. 860-502-8395.  

Win­dow Clean­ing: Res­id­en­tial, $9 per win­dow in­side and out. Call 860-883-6775. Kid Squee­gee.  

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